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Archaeology Department

Rétt við Heljará í Kolbeinsdal. Mynd tekin við skráningu í verkefninu "Heildarskráning fornleifa í Hjaltadal og Kolbeinsdal" sem styrkt er af fornminjasjóði.

About the Archaeology Department

The Archaeology Department of the Skagafjörður Heritage Museum was established in 2003 and is dedicated to researching and promoting cultural heritage in Skagafjörður and beyond.

The department’s research activities within Skagafjörður align with the museum’s research strategy, with a focus on:

  • Expanding knowledge of the region’s archaeological heritage through research and by analyzing and integrating previous studies.
  • Building a strong regional knowledge base to increase public awareness and appreciation of history and the local environment.
  • Enhancing opportunities for utilizing cultural heritage, for example, in tourism.
  • Collaborating with various institutions and researchers—both domestically and internationally.

The department plays a crucial role in strengthening the museum’s professional research capacity and reputation, enabling a broader range of studies, scholarly analysis, and improved cultural heritage preservation.

The research conducted by the department generates new knowledge, which serves as the foundation for education and public outreach. Research findings are shared through:

  • The museum’s website and social media
  • Media coverage
  • Public lectures
  • Research reports and academic articles
  • Exhibitions and events

Funding and Operations

Due to the competitive nature of archaeological research funding in Iceland, the department operates financially independently from the museum. Its budget and financial management are separate from the museum’s other activities. Like the museum, the Archaeology Department is a non-profit entity.

Research and Staff

Click here for an overview of the department’s research reports.
Click here for information about the department’s staff.